Sunday 4 March 2012

Hello World

Hello World! This is my first ever blog and the reason for starting it is to share with you my new story telling adventures. Big deal, huh! Well, having completed a formal fiction writing course I now have a lot more to say on the subject of story telling. Having also revisited my local library after a long absence, I have a lot to say about local library support. I have been reticent. They need our support.  

I am a story teller at heart, you see. This was passed on to me by my marvellous mum. Her best stories were always told in supermarkets when a curious character would be spotted. When we asked her 'whosezat?' (as all children think their parents must know everyone) we would be given great madeuponthespot details of their interesting names, strange habits, wierd ways  and scary tendencies!!!! My father was no stranger to storytelling either, and authored forever in our heart the story of both the empty barn and the beast with five fingers (but those are for another time). No wonder I am an avid reader today!

So, finally, after nearly half of an average life lived, I have a blog to which I aim to share tales and tells about reading to children and story telling in libraries. I hope they can inspire you to also get involved. Enjoy.

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