Saturday, 5 October 2013

Teens in the Tent

What struck me this year is how many teenagers are interested in what we are doing at the tent and the library in general. We generally target the younger group, but it is the 14 to 18 year old that are asking us to engage them. 

And rightly so, they are intelligent, fascinating and interesting. Today, one young lady, Chipo,  bowled me over with a poem from the heart. The energy and idas from the youth needs harnessed. I promise that next year in the tent there will be a better balance of activities for the younger and older youth.

How exciting.
Here are some more pictures from today:
Pamela Chituri of the dynamic Paruware Trust reading and exploring with the wee one reading and doing puzzles.

Charmaine Mujeri (poet, actress, budding writer, manager of the afro pop group Mafriq,  a member of Women Film Makers of Zimbabwe and Project Developer of the Let Them Trust) drawing out the talent from the teens.

Committee members Memory and TG getting involved and supporting the whole outreach.

Library staff Rossa, Levinia and Phiona taking care of the information stand. 

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